3D Printing
Here are some of our cool math models! These have been printed by our MakerBot Replicator 2.
Moduli Spaces (More coming soon!)
- Pillowcase (SU(2)-Character Variety) [Source]
- Monkey Pants (SL(2,R)-Character Variety) [Source]
- Higgs Moduli Space (Tamas Hausel and Oliver Labs) [Source]
Platonic Solids and Polyhedra (More coming soon!)
- Dodecahedron [Source]
- Icosahedron [Source]
- Tetrahedron [Source]
- Icosidodecahedron [Source]
- Other Icosahedron [Source]
- Szilassi polyhedron (Dual to the Császár polyhedron) [Source]
- Császár polyhedron (Dual to the Szilassi polyhedron) [Source]
- Gyroelongated Pentagonal Birotunda [Source]
- Pentagonal Orthocupolarotunda [Source]
- Triakis Icosahedron [Source]
- Triakis Tetrahedron [Source]
Archimedean Solids
- Great Rhombicosidodecahedron [Source]
- Great Rhombicuboctahedron [Source]
- Icosidodecahedron [Source]
- Small Rhombicosidodecahedron [Source]
- Snub Cube [Source]
- Snub Dodecahedron [Source]
- Truncated Dodecahedron [Source]
- Truncated Octahedron [Source]
- Truncated Tetrahedron [Source]
Knots (More coming soon!)
- Trefoil Knot [Source]
Fractals (More coming soon!)
- Menger Sponge [Source]
Algebraic Varieties (More coming soon!)
Non-Orientable Surfaces (More coming soon!)
4D Shapes
- Tesseract [Source]
Surfaces and Handle Bodies (More coming soon!)
Disclaimer: Many designs were obtained on the Thingiverse, and original EAGL designs are subject to copyright:
page revision: 103, last edited: 07 Apr 2014 23:15