This website will serve as an archive of EAGL's activities from 2009-2014. Please visit the current site at:
We are very proud of Carlos Salinas who has been accepted in Purdue University's PhD program starting Fall 2014; and who graduated Magna Cum Laude.
EAGL met with over 1,200 students (elementary, middle, high school, and college) during Spring 2014 sharing fun and interesting mathematics with hands-on activities. See Outreach for event listings and pictures, and this Video for an interview.
We are excited that our Hyperbolic Garden Exhibit was on display at IMAS during Spring 2014 (February 27 - April 23).
We are very proud of graduate Samuel Cavazos who was awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship in 2013; 1 of only 67 in all of the Mathematical Sciences (1 of only 23 in his discipline) nation wide. He is presently a PhD student at Northwestern University.
Located in the Math & General Classrooms Building (MAGC) room 2.326 at the University of Texas-Pan American, the Experimental Algebra & Geometry Lab (EAGL) is dedicated to the dissemination and promotion of mathematics. We provide motivated students with opportunities for mathematical exploration in a stimulating environment. Our outreach activities highlight the beauty of mathematics through music, art, and other non-traditional media. The lab has three principle facets: experimental research, mathematical exposition, and community outreach. Our current open hours are listed here: Lab Hours
Past and current student research projects have included topics in computational algebraic geometry, number theory, and low dimensional geometry and topology. The lab's research projects are products of graduate and undergraduate students at the University of Texas - Pan American (UTPA).
Mathematical exposition is the writing and dissemination of mathematics. For this purpose we encourage students to explore emerging tools such as YouTube, Wikis, and Blogs. This website is maintained by EAGL participants. Past expository projects have included the group theory behind the Rubik's cube, chains in projective space, and visualization of flat tori (often via UTPAs Math Project course).
Mathematics is often perceived as forbidding, or just plain hard. We believe that mathematics offers beauty, truth, humanity, and the opportunity to experience creation and discovery. Therefore, it is part of EAGL's mission to promote mathematics using accessible and fun media such as music, art, video, and handicraft. Our outreach projects include guided exploration, in yarn, of models of the hyperbolic plane (inspiration), explorations of unexpected truths in "Your Teachers Are Lying To You," and visualizing primes and coding with "You Can Count On Monsters". Visit our Current Projects page for a full list of EAGL present activities, or visit our Community Outreach page for past events. We are always grateful for press.
This lab was inspired by EGL at University of Maryland, and has a sister at IGL at University of Illinois.